
Decade of Excess

The whole decade of the 1980s had a huge influence on A Nos Amours, other than just in the specific ways I showed in previous posts. Large prints, loose and boxy shirts, sport coats, metallics, stripes, pastels and bright colors, puffy sleeves, high-cut jeans and layering are important aspects of the 80s fashion scene. Check out some of these screenshots to see for yourself how '80s the film really was.

Dressing like the typical '80s teen, Suzanne was the perfect character in a great film to show the French fashions from the 80s. Her drapey skirts, mid-height heels, and boxy tees all worked to portray a teen trying to make her own way during a time of her life when everyone around her was trying to hold her back. What she wore was one thing in her life she had complete control over, and it was obvious that she was aware of that. She knew what to wear to get what she wanted- from men, from her friends, and from her family- even if she was still trying to figure out what exactly she did want.


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