When I was faced with the options of choosing a final exam format for my class- French Culture Through Film- on that fateful day in September, I automatically decided to make a website. A website in a blog format, centered around fashion. Why, you might ask, did I make such a quick- and quite specific- decision for a final project worth so much of my grade? Well, the fashion part was simple. The fashion industry holds my passions, and one of the main reasons I love France is for it's fashion capital, Paris. I know what a huge part of the French culture that I would be learning about fashion is, and so the choice was easy. Why a blog? It's a fresh way to express my thoughts on the films I watched, and an enjoyable format to write and read. I also have experience blogging (a link to my style blog, Fashion Fille, is in the sidebar), so I knew I would have fun with it!
So, here we are, a whole semester behind us, with just one final exam ahead. In front of you lies my final thoughts of FR 138.
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